balbastrojulio on Flickr
I’ve done a 2011 post as a lot of people are checking this one out! Here’s the 2011 one 🙂
I’ll keep updating this for a few weeks after Gustavo Cerati’s birthday if they are related to that. All general updates from his family and health status are in my other post Cerati ~ Strength and Love To You xxx
This post is also for updates for events related to Gus, I’ll update it with events that I hear about, feel free to tell me/post updates
Happy Birthday Gus/Feliz Cumpleaños Gus
For me, his birthday is rather special…. as a kid I’ve always loved birthdays.
I’m much more of a birthday person than Christmas
We all are born and I feel it’s a lovely thing to do to celebrate it, it’s only once a year. I enjoy the whole thing, some people like little intimate celebrations some like lots of people, some like a special gift.I’ve chatted to people about Gustavo’s Birthday and I’ll link to any event that is being celebrated all over the world Gustavo’s birthday is just after the   New Moon in Leo so sending lots of good energy his way it’s a great time, when you see the thin crescent moon make a wish for Gus!
Mine here in the UK
Will be just playing lots of his music and lighting candles, sending balloons and some Healing Reiki, I might even bake a cake 😀
Any Cerati fans in UK want to chat and celebrate his birthday get in contact with me here
Links to Celebrations around the World
Let’s use a green ribbon, on Wednesday 11/08/2010, the day of Gustavo Cerati’s birthday, as the picture (the so-called baby tape, sold at any notions store ), pinned onto a  jacket (with a pin) or the last piece you wear re … membering you, we hope,that you wake up and get well soon. Usemos una cinta verde and wonderful video
Also another site called Todos por Cerati.
Another nice site  celebrar de forma especial el cumple de gus!♥ ( Do lots of photos on msn, facebook, etc. and remember to take your green ribbon! 🙂
VivaFM Para los Cerati fans: Hemos preparado un pequeño especial de Gustavo Cerati en la web! disfruten!! Sunday 15th 7pm here For Cerati fans: We have prepared a small special for Gustavo Cerati on the web! enjoy also links to Cerati videos
Janika Gente! el 28 de agosto tocamos en Abbey Road!! Estaremos haciendo un tributo al maestro Gustavo Cerati junto a Bajorelieve (tributo Soda/Cerati) y Lado A (trib. Soda). La cita es a las 21.00 hs. Nos vemos ahí!! Abbey Road, Juan B Justo 620, Mar del Plata, Argentina
The Planetarium (El  Planetario, Buenos Aires , Argentina on Saturday August 14th and Sunday August 15th) celebrar de forma especial el cumple de gus!♥ ( full of photos on msn, facebook, etc. and remember to take your green ribbon! 🙂
Instancia Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires” Planetario  14/08 here
Homenaje a Gustavo Cerati en Río Gallegos | Tiempo Sur / Tribute to Gustavo Cerati Río Gallegos | Tiempo Sur | Argentina here
There has already been an event here Reunion Soderos Ceratianos Bogotá Colombia 7th August
Celebremos el cumpleaños de gus en apoyo a su carrera!!!  11th August  here
Venezuela: August 11th – Plaza De Altamira- Caracas – 1:30pm – 5:00pm
Ceratianos y Soderos celebremos el día 11 los 51 años de GUS, usa tu cinta verde y lanza tu globo | 12 pm Parq Beethoven Merida
Junta para @cerati en chile (santiago) el dia 14 de agosto en plaza de aviacion a las 14:00 hr ..lleven cosas por fa para colaborar
Chile: Saturday August 14th – Plaza de la Aviación (not sure if that is in Santiago de Chile) at 16:30 – 20:00
Cumpleaños Gustavo Chile Dublin Patio Bellavista Constitucion 58, Patio Bellavista, Barrio Bellavista. Santiago, Chile  Wednesday · 19:00 – 22:30
Profugos en Feliz Cumpleaños Gustavo Cerati en Batuta” (Ñuñoa, Chile) 21 de Agosto here
¿Eres Fan de #Cerati? Elefante17 y @RevistAbsenta invitan a todas las bandas a la convocatoria TRIBUTO A CERATI here
Mexico D.F
Miercoles 11 Agosto (Cumpleaños de Gus Auditorio Nacional #DF Soltarán globos en apoyo, 6pm (CadaQuienSuGlobo)
Mexico: August 11 – 6:00 PM – Auditorio Nacional – DF (Distrito Federal) ; each person will bring a green balloon.
San Luis R C Sonora, Mexico, Misto Market 9 pm (see comments for details)
Ya tiene fecha la expo de Cerati. Del 8 de Septiembre al 17 de Octubre. Para + info here Mereces lo que sueñas // Ilustrando para Gustavo Cerati/You deserve what you dream / / Illustrating for Gustavo Cerati
Puerto Rico
Primavera 0 un concierto por Gustavo Cerati en el marco de su cumpleaños, sábado 14 de agosto, 8pm, Hard Rock Café, San Juan, Puerto Rico Fuerza Cerati!!! here
El abrazo boricua desde Puerto Rico hasta Argentina para GUSTAVO CERATI!!! Celebraremos el cumpleaños número 51 del cantautor argentino este miércoles con rotación especial de SODA STEREO en ALFAROCK LEGENDS y un programa especial con la música de Cerati en Portada Rock de 10am a 12 del mediodía. FUERZA CERATI!!! Parte de nuestros especiales en agosto, mes de aniversario de ALFAROCK   105.7/ here
8/8/10 reunión de fans para festejar tu cumpleaños en Guayaquil, Ecuador… Toda nuestra energia contigo IDOLO
El Circo Del Rock – Especial de Gustavo Cerati / Miércoles 11 / 2:00 p.m. here
I’ll add any event I find, if you have a event not on the list get and touch and I’ll add it  🙂
Thanks to Sandra @fuerzacerati for info and translations and Miguel Gómez for the Cerati Ribbon